Monday, September 22, 2008

A Great Online Medical Resource

"What's this bump?"

"Is this a rash?"

"Why does my shoulder hurt?"

You've probably asked yourself one or more of those questions at one time.  You think everything is going well, and then one day you notice something that wasn't there yesterday.

And you worry.

Usually, it goes away, or the doctor tells you there's nothing to worry about.  Next time, before you start worrying check out WebMD.  Click here to go to WebMD.

They have a neat "Symptom Checker" where you point to the part of your body that you're concerned about.

Then you click on the symptoms you're feeling, and it tells you what it may be, and it tells you all the details about that condition.  

It's real easy to use, and it may give you a little peace of mind next time you notice something weird.

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