Monday, March 16, 2009

Top 3 Diet Tips

There's so much information out there about what to eat, how much to eat, and when to eat it, it's easy to get lost in the mix. Every month there's a new diet book on the shelves.

A lot of this information is just the same old stuff recycled and repackaged again to sell some books. Come up with a new variation of a diet rule that everyone knows works, give it a gimmicky title, and put some skinny people on the cover and watch the money roll in.

If you've been thinking about dieting, let me just save you the time and tell you the top 3 healthy eating tips. They're simple and effective.

1. Eat less.
2. Eat better food.
3. Spread the calories you eat more evenly throughout the day.

If you decrease your intake by about 10%, eat higher quality food (fruits, vegetables, healthy fats, fiber, protein, etc.), and distribute your calories more evenly, you'll can make a big difference.

To get more details on the 3 steps, read the full healthy eating article here.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The Basics of Fitness

I've just posted a few new articles that cover the basics of the four main areas of fitness:

Cardio - Exercises for the heart
Strength - Exercises for the muscles
Flexibility - Stretching to keep you limber
Balance - To help prevent falls

You can click on any of the links above to get the basics. For each area you'll learn:

Why to do it.
What it is.
How often to do it.
How much to do.
Hard difficult to make it.

If you're not currently doing something for cardio, strength, flexibility, and balance, check out these short articles and get started today!