Thursday, October 2, 2008

Senior Health and Fitness

I can sum up the entire idea behind senior health and fitness in one word - prevention.

It's much easier to prevent than it is to try to turn the tide after a couple decades neglecting your health.

Don't wait until your Dr. tells you your're at risk of a heart attack to start exercising.

Don't wait until your Dr. tells you you have high cholesterol before you start eating right.

Don't wait until you have Osteoporosis before you start thinking about building bone mass.

And don't wait until you fall to start thinking about training your balance.

Don't wait.  Prevent.

It's much easier to start preventing now before it's a problem than it is to try to turn the boat around after it's been sailing one direction for ten years.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice Article. Age dosen't matter for Elders.