Between family, turkey, and football, Thanksgiving is always a fun day. But I would bet the average person eats twice as many calories on Thanksgiving as they do on a normal day.
Here's some tips to help you eat healthier this Thanksgiving:
1. Don't have seconds. It's OK to have a big plate of turkey, potatoes, and other stuff(ing). But it's the 2nd and 3rd plate that you should avoid.
2. Easy on the gravy. You don't have to drown your food in gravy just to make it taste good. You can get all the taste you need by thinly spreading a little over your food.
3. Choose a smart drink. Water is best. If you're going to eat 1000 calories, why drink another couple hundred?
4. One piece of dessert! I know there may be a couple things to choose from, but that doesn' t mean you should have one of each.
My final advice is to not judge the quality of your meal based on the amount of food you eat, which is what most people do. Instead, focus on the kind of food.
Turkey, stuffing, sweet potatoes, etc. That should be what defines Thanksgiving for you. It's a day where you eat certain foods that you may not eat the rest of the year, foods that have been eaten on this day for many years. But please do not define Thanksgiving as the day where you eat as much as possible. Have a good one.